Madison, WI,
12:03 PM

Get Happier and Healthier with Laughter

Have you had your laugh for the day?


Everyone loves a good laugh.

But did you know that laughter can help you pursue your lifetime dreams of being healthier and happier?

When we laugh, it lightens our mental load, and can actually induce positive physical changes.

Here are some of ways laughter is good for both your body and mind:

  • It enhances your intake of oxygen, stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles and increases endorphins released by your brain.
  • Laughter fires up and then cools down your stress response and increases your heart rate and blood pressure, resulting in a good, relaxed feeling.
  • By causing your body to produce its own natural painkillers, laughter can help you relieve pain.
  • A good chuckle can help you reduce stress, and makes it easier to cope with difficult situations.
  • Laughter helps people cope with depression, as well as life's unexpected curveballs.

Try humor in the workplaceInjecting a little humor and silliness in the workplace also has its benefits. Besides reducing stress, boosting creativity and fostering teamwork, workplace humor can:

  • Reduce the “social distance” between managers and employees.
  • Diffuse conflict by helping start conversations and bridging differences.
  • Encourage people to work together.
  • Improve morale.
  • Prevent long-term burnout, reduce absenteeism and increase company loyalty and productivity.
  • Enhance perceived leadership skills.

Many companies are already making an effort to infuse humor in the workplace. One prominent ice cream maker, for example, has held meetings where everyone puts on Groucho Marx glasses every time someone uses the word “serious.” Another company has meeting participants blow bubbles at the start of a meeting to loosen everyone up.

If you or your co-workers want to try injecting a little humor or silliness in your workplace but aren’t sure how to get started, Friday, Sept. 19, is International “Talk Like A Pirate” Day. It’s a great way to start and the only limits are your imagination. Arrrrr you up for the challenge?

Laughter is the best medicine for a good reason. It helps all of us in our pursuit of happiness and healthiness. And that’s worth a good laugh every day.